Terms & Conditions of Registration

Young child takes a swing at the ball during a friendly game of tee ball
Teams high-fiving each other after a well played game
Play Ball!
Well Played!
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In addition to the Tee-Ball Association of Western Australia (TBAWA) policies associated with playing teeball in Western Australia, the following Terms and Conditions are relevant to Morley Eagles Teeball Club Members:

‘Club’ means Morley Eagles Baseball Club Inc. T-Ball Section trading as Morley Eagles Teeball Club
‘Child’ means child or ward (whichever is applicable).
‘Member’ means a registered player 18 years or older, or for registered players under 18 years, the parent(s)/guardian(s) listed in the Club’s registration system, provided that person is 18 years or older.
‘Player’ means a person who is registered as a player in the Club’s registration system.
‘Policies’ means the policies published by the Club on its website, and as amended from time to time.

Members are aware that playing teeball, observing teeball, learning to play teeball, training to play teeball, and participating in any activity carried out by the Club, are activities that inherently involve risk and that in undertaking these activities members and players do so at their own risk.

Members agree (on their own behalf and for their child and all other parents, guardians and relatives of their child if applicable), as a condition of their admission as a Player of the Club, to waive and release its office bearers, officials, coaches, managers, umpires, Members, Players, agents and other volunteers from all liability whether in respect of injury, damage or loss or otherwise (howsoever caused) to their child, themselves or any other person, and whether that injury, damage or loss arises out of membership of the Club, playing teeball, observing teeball, learning to play teeball and training to play teeball, or negligence or other breach of duty of any nature whatsoever on the part of the Club, their representatives, office bearers, officials, coaches, managers, referees, Members, Players, agents and other volunteers, or otherwise.

Members understand and agree that nothing in their agreement to register with the Club purports to exclude any liability that may be owed by the Club or their representatives pursuant to the provisions of any relevant statute covering their activities and which may not be excluded by agreement. To the extent that any part of this agreement may contravene any statute, members agree that such part of the agreement shall be severed and rendered void but the rest of the agreement will remain valid and continue to have full force and effect.

Members agree (on their own behalf and for their child and all other parents/guardians or relatives of their child if applicable) that they have familiarised themselves with, and will abide by and be bound by, the Club’s Policies, rules, by-laws and Code of Conduct, as published and amended from time to time. Members acknowledge that failure to do so may result in the termination of their membership and de-registration from the Club, at the absolute discretion of the Club’s Executive Committee.

Members authorise the Club to upload their email details to an email distribution client for the purpose of the Club sending periodic emails in relation to club events and notices.

Members authorise the Club to use photographs or videos of them and/or their child (if applicable) in Club communications, including articles and events on the Club website, social media and other similar platforms, unless specifically documented during the registration process.  Any photographs or videos so shared by the Club, maybe subsequently be shared beyond the Club’s platforms.

Members understand that the Club may publish any media for the purpose of promoting any or all club related events. Morley Eagles Teeball Club promotes responsible social media use and any offensive or discriminatory comments will be removed. If offensive or discriminatory comments emanate from a player and/or guardian, the player and/or guardian will be disciplined as deemed appropriate by the Executive Committee. This includes comments or posts that contradict the Club’s Code of Conduct or TBAWA’s Code of Behaviour.

Members understand that the Club is an organisation that is reliant upon volunteer contributions and that every member’s registration is conditional upon their contribution to one of the areas indicated in the relevant section of the registration process.

Members agree that players (on their own behalf and for their child) allocated to a Morley Eagles Teeball Club team shall commit to making all reasonable efforts to attend and participate in training and match days for the benefit and development of the entire team.

Members understand that requests for a refund of registration fees must be in writing to the Club Registrar. The Executive Committee will decide what, if any, refund shall be provided. In general, refunds may be approved for a member before any activities commence for the season, minus the non-refundable portion of the registration fee, as described in the finance by-laws section of the Club website. Once training commences, players have been allocated to a team, or playing kit has been issued, refunds are at the absolute discretion of the Executive Committee, which shall consider each case on its merits. Players who choose to move to another club once team allocation is underway will be unlikely to receive any refund, as this causes immense disruption to the team and the Club.

Allocation of players to specific teams is at the sole discretion of the Club. Allocation to a team deemed incorrect or undesirable by the Member is not a valid reason for refund of registration fees. Applications to change team may be made in writing to the Club Registrar and will be considered on their merits, with changes made at the absolute discretion of the Executive Committee.